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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Vivacious \Vi*va"cious\ (?; 277), a. [L. v['i]vax, -acis, fr. vivere to live. See Vivid.]

  1. Having vigorous powers of life; tenacious of life; long-lived. [Obs.]

    Hitherto the English bishops have been vivacious almost to wonder. . . . But five died for the first twenty years of her [Queen Elizabeth's] reign.

    The faith of Christianity is far more vivacious than any mere ravishment of the imagination can ever be.
    --I. Taylor.

  2. Sprightly in temper or conduct; lively; merry; as, a vivacious poet. ``Vivacious nonsense.''
    --V. Knox.

  3. (Bot.) Living through the winter, or from year to year; perennial. [R.]

    Syn: Sprightly; active; animated; sportive; gay; merry; jocund; light-hearted. [1913 Webster] -- Vi*va"cious*ly, adv. -- Vi*va"cious*ness, n.


n. the state of being vivacious; vivacity

Usage examples of "vivaciousness".

It was dismaying to see her this upset, he never got used to it, it contrasted too sharply with her usual vivaciousness, the way she would put a finger to your arm as she rattled on in a confiding tone about one fascinating thing or other.