Vittel (archaic ) is a commune in the Vosges department in Lorraine in northeastern France.
Mineral water is bottled and sold here by Nestlé Waters France, under the Vittel brand.
Vittel is a French brand of bottled water sold in many countries. Since 1992 it has been owned by Nestlé.
Mineral water from the source at Vittel has been bottled and made available for curative and, increasingly, for commercial purposes since 1854.
Vittel was the water provider for the London Marathon for the tenth consecutive year in 2008.
Usage examples of "vittel".
Christes Nativitie, refreshed all the poore people with vittels, to their great comfort and his high praise.
He had took in a quart or two of water on top of his barbyku, and he set on the bank and throwed up enuf vittels to feed a pack of houns for a week.