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vb. 1 To give life to something; to animate. 2 To make more vigorous; to invigorate or stimulate.

  1. v. give life to; "The eggs are vitalized" [syn: vitalize]

  2. make more lively or vigorous; "The treatment at the spa vitalized the old man" [syn: vitalize] [ant: devitalize]

Usage examples of "vitalise".

I felt the impetus of this undiffused, undissipated passion, in its undivided strength, stir and vitalise all my energies, and its power over my own frame made me involuntarily, instinctively confident of the power it would have over hers.

To honour his race, this deed of grace, for the weak from the strong made just: That her sons over seas in a rally of praise may behold a thrice vitalised Britain, Ashine with the light of the doing of right: at the gates of the Future in trust.

SOLITARY REAPER, are cast in a dramatic mould, that beauty of diction may be vitalised by an imagined situation.

My other brain-cells most distinctly felt the vitalising of their companions, and for about a minute I experienced extreme nausea and a headache such as comes from over-study, though both passed swiftly off.

And as one generation passes on and renovates the field of tillage for the next, I entertain a fancy that when the young men of to-day go forth into the forest they shall find the air still vitalised by the spirits of their predecessors, and, like those "unheard melodies" that are the sweetest of all, the memory of our laughter shall still haunt the field of trees.