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VisualEditor (VE) is a project to provide a "visual" or " WYSIWYG-like" online rich-text editor as a MediaWiki extension to Wikipedia. It was developed by the Wikimedia Foundation in partnership with Wikia. In July 2013 the beta was enabled by default, with the ability to opt-out, for and several of the largest Wikipedias.

The Wikimedia Foundation considered it the most challenging technical project to date, while The Economist has called it Wikipedia's most significant change. According to the The Daily Dot, Wikimedia Foundation's pursuit of wider participation may risk alienating existing editors. In September 2013, English Wikipedia's VisualEditor was changed from opt-out to opt-in, following user complaints, but was returned to being available by default in October 2015 after further development. A 2015 study by the Wikimedia Foundation found it ineffective for new editors.