n. distance at which a given standard object can be seen with the unaided eye
Usage examples of "visual range".
Don followed him at once, and they circled five hundred feet above the sea bed-far beyond visual range.
With their airborne radar, they can vector their fighters against ours to launch their missile attacks from beyond visual range.
They were beyond visual range, but not beyond range of his AMRAAM missiles.
There were only a few other dwellings in the area, but none within visual range.
Despite the soothing, cautionary tone, his eyes crackled with anger as he studied a monitor just out of Simon's visual range.
He steadied the Firefox like an eager horse as the airliner moved into visual range to starboard, and he could see the contrail and the tiny glint of sunlight.
Again since there was commercial air traffic in the sky, the fighter pilots had to close to visual range for a positive ID of their tarĀ.
Again since there was commercial air traffic in the sky, the fighter pilots had to close to visual range for a positive ID of their targets.
B-52H Stratopig bombers, the few that were left, were such easy targets that they were left for the newbies, the new guys in the squadron, or killed with a BVR (beyond visual range) missile shot.
To be brutally honest, we may lose Jasam, but we would have a better chance of saving it if you would cooperate by moving out of visual range.
Over half of KONS Kompakutors strike group had just died to draw the fire that revealed the identity of their killer, which now lay dead ahead of VF-94 in visual range.
Over half of KONS Kompakutor's strikegroup had just died to draw the fire that revealed the identity of their killer, which now lay dead ahead of VF-94 in visual range.