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a. Extremely strong or tight, like a vise alt. Extremely strong or tight, like a vise


adj. clamped as in a vise; "a viselike grip"

Usage examples of "viselike".

As his right wrist faltered in the viselike grasp, Shakes shot a hard blow with his left fist.

She was crying horribly by then, and she seemed to be bleeding more than ever, and then just as Olivia began truly panicking, Victoria was seized by a viselike pain and the source of her misery slipped slowly from her.

There was the matter of the withered-looking and bradyauxetic arms, which just as in a hair-raising case of Volk-mann's contracture115 curled out in front of his thorax in magiscule S's and were usable for rudimentary knifeless eating and slapping at doorknobs until they sort of turned just enough and doors could be kicked open and forming a pretend lens-frame to scout scenes through, plus maybe tossing tennis balls very short distances to players who wanted them, but not for much else, though the arms were impressively almost familial-dysautonomically pain-resistant, and could be pinched, punctured, singed, and even compressed in a basement optical-device-securing viselike thing by Mario's older brother Orin without effect or complaint.

He lurched forward, one great hand grasp ing her shoulder in an incredible viselike grip.

As the surviving waterbucks bolted in terror for open country, the croc's viselike jaws dragged the calf into deeper water.