Viśayah primarily means – 'the sphere of influence or activity', and also refers to – 'dominion', 'kingdom', 'territory', 'country', 'abode', 'lands' etc., but in Hindu philosophy, it has been used to indicate 'the subject matter', 'the sense-objects', 'the subject of interpretation', 'the area or range of words' or 'the field of experience'. According to the Mimamsakas a complete adhikarana i.e. main, relation or connection, consists of viśayah - the subject or the matter to be explained, viśeya or sanśeya - the doubt or the question arising upon that matter, pūrvapakśa – the prima facie argument concerning it , uttarpakśa or siddhanta – the answer or the demonstrated conclusion, and sangati – pertinency or relevancy or the final conclusion. According to Srimad Bhagavatam (XI.ix.29), viśayah or the objects of sense enjoyment are to be found everywhere, as āhāra ('food'), nidrā ('sleep'), bhaya ('fear - overcoming of') and maithuna ('mating' meaning sensuous pleasures).