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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Virtuoso \Vir`tu*o"so\, n.; pl. Virtuosos; It. Virtuosi.

  1. One devoted to virtu; one skilled in the fine arts, in antiquities, and the like; a collector or ardent admirer of curiosities, etc.

    Virtuoso the Italians call a man who loves the noble arts, and is a critic in them.

  2. (Mus.) A performer on some instrument, as the violin or the piano, who excels in the technical part of his art; a brilliant concert player.


n. (plural of virtuoso English)

Virtuosos (TV show)

Virtuosos is a Hungarian classical music based competition for children and young adults, contested by players of classical instruments and classical singers drawn from nationwide auditions. Created by Mariann Peller, the show began in October, 2014 and ended in December, 2014, the second season will air in April, 2016. It is broadcast on the MTVA network. Throughout the competition, the contestants perform not only classical pieces, but movie theme songs and crossover music as well. Their performances are judged by a 5-member jury of professionals (András Batta, Gergely Kesselyák, Erika Miklósa, Attila Némethy, Miklós Szenthelyi).

Usage examples of "virtuosos".

They range from something like luckiness to telekinesis to levitation to… well, some of these recent virtuosos seem to be able to manifest a second body.

They range from something like luckiness to telekinesis to lev-itation to… well, some of these recent virtuosos seem to be able to manifest a second body.

I think you're a liar, Bradshaw, one of those virtuosos who use real facts and feelings to make their stories plausible.