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n. (plural of virtuality English)

Usage examples of "virtualities".

Linemen told each other frontier stories, pioneer tales, of ghosts in the net, strange codes or secret trapdoors leading to fantastically detailed alien virtualities, odd conversations with disembodied people with no lookup addresses.

He was a novice, but like most Kithfolk he had passed considerable time in virtualities, which included forests, lifeways of the past, and the like.

Not in the physical net of microwave transmissions and diamond wire lines, but in the software that linked virtualities to the Internet and to each other, in the place where phones and TVs and computers promiscuously crossbred.

After Innenin, I'd more or less forgotten what it was like to be genuinely afraid, but virtualities were a notable exception.

A little like the cut-rate virtualities you used to get in arcades back when I was a kid, the ones where the construct wouldn’t let your character look up more than a few degrees above the horizontal, even when that was where the next stage of the game was taking you.

A little like the cut-rate virtualities you used to get in arcades back when I was a kid, the ones where the construct wouldn't let your character look up more than a few degrees above the horizontal, even when that was where the next stage of the game was taking you.