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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Viperine \Vi"per*ine\ (?; 277), a. [L. viperinus: cf. F. vip['e]rin.] Of or pertaining to a viper or vipers; resembling a viper. Viperine snake. (Zo["o]l.)

  1. Any venomous snake of the family Viperid[ae].

  2. A harmless snake resembling a viper in form or color, esp. Tropidonotus viperinus, a small European species which resembles the viper in color.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1540s, from Latin viperinus "pertaining to a viper or vipers," from vipera (see viper).


a. Of or relating to a viper or vipers; resembling a viper.


Usage examples of "viperine".

Nine years ago, when Zeldornius and I made ready to decide our quarrels by battle, word came to me in a lucky hour how that this Helteranius with cunning colubrine and malice viperine and sleights serpentine went about to attack me in the rear.