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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Violate \Vi"o*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Violates; p. pr. & vb. n. Violating.] [L. violatus, p. p. of violare to violate, fr. vis strength, force. See Violent.]

  1. To treat in a violent manner; to abuse.

    His wife Boadicea violated with stripes, his daughters with rape.

  2. To do violence to, as to anything that should be held sacred or respected; to profane; to desecrate; to break forcibly; to trench upon; to infringe.

    Violated vows 'Twixt the souls of friend and friend.

    Oft have they violated The temple, oft the law, with foul affronts.

  3. To disturb; to interrupt. ``Employed, it seems, to violate sleep.''

  4. To commit rape on; to ravish; to outrage.

    Syn: To injure; disturb; interrupt; infringe; transgress; profane; deflour; debauch; dishonor.


vb. (present participle of violate English)

Usage examples of "violating".

Against the countries themselves, the United States could block international financial institutions from extending any assistance to the violating countries, we could impose tariffs on their goods, bar all of their companies from trading with the United States for a period of months or even years, or impose a range of other possible penalties.

If Saddam was going to be around for some time and there were no real penalties for supporting his policies or even violating the sanctions outright, why not take advantage of the bribes and profits he was doling out?

There are some other problems with pursuing such measures via the United Nations, although they pale beside the basic problem of convincing a Security Council that abhors the Iraq sanctions to impose new sanctions that penalize other countries for violating the hated Iraq sanctions.

The issue of deciding which countries and companies were actually violating the sanctions would be a nightmare.

If the United States could tie Saddam to an act of terrorism conducted with WMD, it would be able to demonstrate not only that he was violating the U.

Marcomir, one of their kings, was publicly convicted, before the tribunal of the Roman magistrate, of violating the faith of treaties.

These fugitives, who fled before the Turkish arms, passed the Tanais and Borysthenes, and boldly advanced into the heart of Poland and Germany, violating the law of nations, and abusing the rights of victory.

As far as he knew, the only Ferengi violating the edict were Quark and Rom.

After it had become clear that Quark and Rom were interested not only in violating the Bajoran edict, but in fleeing from the authorities, Lieutenant Carlien had re quested the use of Deep Space Nine's sensors to aid in her search for the fugitives.

You are both charged with violating the law that prohibits Ferengi from being within Bajoran so vereignty.

All these years pursuing Quark, seeking to bring him to justice, and now that he had just assisted in apprehending Quark for violating the law-- more than one law, if you included his flight from arrest-- he felt no satisfaction.

Each of the few times he had used the cloaking device, he had weighed heavily the moral implica tions of doing so, the possible consequences, and whether he was violating the intent of the agreement that had been forged with the Romulans.

Earlier in the week, Sisko had been dressed down for disobeying direct orders and violating the Federation Council's resolution, and then lauded for those same actions.

The break with the Saudis, Turks, and Jordanians over the conduct of limited military operations against Iraq for violating U.

I noted that the steps that would be necessary for the latter option would be far more onerous than they first appeared because of the unwillingness of any country other than the United States to confront Iraq or impose penalties on states violating the sanctions.