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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Vintage time

Vintage \Vint"age\ (?; 48), n. [Corrupted by influence of vintner, vintry, from OE. vindage, vendage, for vendange, OF. vendenge, F. vendange, from L. vindemia; vinum wine, grapes + demere to take off; de + emere, originally, to take. See Wine, Redeem, and cf. Vindemial.]

  1. The produce of the vine for one season, in grapes or in wine; as, the vintage is abundant; the vintage of 1840.

  2. The act or time of gathering the crop of grapes, or making the wine for a season.

    Vintage spring, a wine fount.

    Vintage time, the time of gathering grapes and making wine.

Usage examples of "vintage time".

At vintage time came the grape-treaders, with purple hands and feet, wreathed with glossy ivy and carrying dripping skins of wine.