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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Vinery \Vin"er*y\, n.

  1. A vineyard. [Obs.] ``The vinery of Ramer.''

  2. A structure, usually inclosed with glass, for rearing and protecting vines; a grapery.


n. 1 vineyard 2 (context obsolete English) A structure, usually enclosed with glass, for rearing and protecting vines; a grapery.


n. a farm of grapevines where wine grapes are produced [syn: vineyard]


Usage examples of "vinery".

Through the flower and fruit garden, against whose high outer walls peach trees and nectarines were trained to the sun, through the stables, the vinery, the mushroom house, the asparagus beds, the rosery, the summer-house, he conducted her--even into the kitchen garden to see the tiny green peas which Holly loved to scoop out of their pods with her finger, and lick up from the palm of her little brown hand.

The top of the tower was heavily mossed and draped with vinery, yet it was too regular a shape to blend with the jungle.

Like a royal potentate, he perused the mighty forest through which they carried himthe magnificent lavender sunset glowing between the vinery, the exotic flowers starting to close, the ageless trees, the glistening fernsand knew that no one before him had ever appreciated these things in just precisely the manner he was now.

Past the series of domes marking the edge of growlabs, past the tented center pavilion and the water reclamation vinery, skirting the village center where market would impede her passage.

They grew in the vinery at Rotherwood, and had been the pride of her father and of the head-gardener.

And when they reach their goal, it is a hill covered with red-flowered vinery and surrounded by a wide strip of bare ground.

Virginia wine industry, thanks to the brilliant effort started thirty some years ago by Felicia Rogan at Oakencroft Vinery, but I will not lift one finger, not even my pinky, to help that insufferable malcontent.

When Harry had called, Alicia raved about a colt she had by Distinctive Pro, a New York sire, and a filly by More Than Ready, standing at Vinery Stud in Kentucky.

In another minute he would be among flower-pots and vineries with twenty gardeners at his heels.

There was little evidence now of the destructive hand of war, except that no one was working in the orchards and vineries, and the inhabitants of the small native villages through which we passed mostly remained behind closed doors, with not even an inquisitive eye at the window.

Buddy had grown up with the smell of farmland and barnyard, of manure and growing corn and pea vineries, and the unwashed clothes of this boy beside him had absorbed all these familiar odors.

Through the flower and fruit garden, against whose high outer walls peach trees and nectarines were trained to the sun, through the stables, the vinery, the mushroom house, the asparagus beds, the rosery, the summer-house, he conducted her--even into the kitchen garden to see the tiny green peas which Holly loved to scoop out of their pods with her finger, and lick up from the palm of her little brown hand.