Crossword clues for vielle
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Vielle \Vi*elle"\, n. [F. Cf. Viol.] An old stringed instrument played upon with a wheel; a hurdy-gurdy.
n. 1 (context musical instruments English) A medieval stringed instrument similar to a violin. 2 (context musical instruments English) The hurdy-gurdy.
The vielle is a European bowed stringed instrument used in the Medieval period, similar to a modern violin but with a somewhat longer and deeper body, five (rather than four) gut strings, and a leaf-shaped pegbox with frontal tuning pegs, sometimes with a figure-8 shaped body. The instrument was also known as a fidel or a viuola, although the French name for the instrument, vielle, is generally used. It was one of the most popular instruments of the Medieval period, and was used by troubadours and jongleurs from the 13th through the 15th centuries. The vielle possibly derived from the lira, a Byzantine bowed instrument closely related to the rebab, an Arab bowed instrument
Starting in the middle or end of the 15th century, the word vielle was used to refer to the hurdy-gurdy.
Several modern groups of musicians have formed into bands to play early music (pre- Baroque), and they sometimes include vielles, or modern reproductions, in their ensembles, together with other instruments such as rebecs and saz.
Usage examples of "vielle".
Vielle perched on the flat plane of the broken and Fissured Plagal Plateau.
He would never get used to Porto Vielle, or any part of,the Plagal for that matter.
He found Plagal coinage confusing, another example of the chaos of Porto Vielle, he thought.
Guizot, "Tacite a peint les Germains comme Montaigne et Rousseau les sauvages, dans un acces d'humeur contre sa patrie: son livre est une satire des moeurs Romaines, l'eloquente boutade d'un patriote philosophe qui veut voir la vertu la, ou il ne rencontre pas la mollesse honteuse et la depravation savante d'une vielle societe.
On the other hand, it might have been Vielle, paging her to tell her about a patient who'd coded and might have had an NDE.
The vielles scraped and fell silent, and alast, tardy horn player set the needra bulls bellowing in the pastures.
He stood there talking to Vielle and the intern with no sign of injury Joanna could see, at least from the back, and whatever his problem was, even if somebody'd shot him with a nail gun, it could wait a minute because she had to find out where Richard was.
They played well and loudly upon horns and vielles as Bruli made his entrance.
The vielles scraped and fell silent, and a last, tardy horn player set the needra bulls bellowing in the pastures.
They playedwell and loudly upon horns and vielles as Bruli made his entrance.
Between the reedy notes of two vielles playing in counterpoint, he heard a poet reciting the deeds and the victories he had accomplished, which extended back into Lord Sezu's time.