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Vieja is a genus of fish from the family Cichlidae. The geographic distribution of the genus is limited to Pacific slope of Middle America from Río Tequistlán in Mexico south to Lago Coatepeque in El Salvador, Atlantic slope of Middle America from Río Chachalacas in Mexico to Río Chagres in Panama. Only Vieja maculicauda extends south past northern Middle America.

Usage examples of "vieja".

Buenos Aires, ciudad que no me atrae, como quien se acostumbra a su cuerpo o a una vieja dolencia.

A dark-eyed maiden had come to the corner of the Calle Vieja, and stood there watching him with mournful eyes.

Sierra Vieja, the ranch and house were called, or old mountain, so named because of the mountain range that extended along the Mexican border northward toward the New Mexico territory.

Sierra Vieja was home and over the years Owen had built it into a showplace of wealth and social position.

Riker arrived at Sierra Vieja while Amber and Owen were still having supper.

She hummed softly under her breath as she paused to inspect a table of hand tooled boots but decided breaking in a new pair was too painful and the old worn ones she had found at Sierra Vieja would do just fine.

If she was to inherit Sierra Vieja someday, she certainly had a right to be treated as an adult, and she had every intention of letting her uncle know it in no uncertain terms as soon as possible.

Cooter promise him that if anything happened to him, Cooter would see to it that you and your mother left Sierra Vieja and went back east.

Sierra Vieja was starting to turn a profit and Owen was finally getting some of the respect he wanted so badly.

The buggy sped through the night on its way back to Sierra Vieja while the girl cried miserably and the old man wished he knew how to ease her pain.

Del retrato de próceres locales pasó a las casas viejas de Buenos Aires, cuyos modestos patios delineó con modestos colores, no con la charra escenografía que otros les donan.