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n. A video camera.

Usage examples of "videocam".

With instinctive speed, she swung the videocam lens over toward the action.

As the robot trolls back and forth, we use its videocam to hunt for a small and subtle discontinuity in the artificial surface: the sensor.

Jesus took the videocam rig off his head and looked down, snapping the cassette out of the machine.

Potter walked out of the press tent amid the silent flashes of still cameras and the blaring of videocam lights.

He said the videocam was antique-roadshow junk and the lights were poor so no wonder everything looked like cheap shit.

How glorious it must have been when all ten of the videocam screens were on and you could get the full panoramic view, turn up the colour brightness, enhance the red tones.

He punched in the numbers for the videocam in the lobby: it was Crake, all right, giving him the finger and the grin.

Sibyl were over, and her first session in front of his videocam was well under way.

Gregg straightened to see Ellen being wheeled out of the hospital behind a clot of reporters, her own Secret Service personnel keeping back the flurry of videocams and cameras.

Inside the towers are the searchlights, the monitor videocams, the loudspeakers, the controls for locking the gates, the tear-gas nozzles, the long-range sprayguns.

Sure enough, a number of people in the crowd were holding up small round palmtop videocams with the lenses aimed toward the world leader and the engineer.

The shiny lenses of cameras and videocams repeated countless distorted reflections of his face.

Delahunt explained that the elevator only stopped just outside the door of the vault on the first floor, and on the underground level where the security videocams were monitored.

Behind him, the man now at the head of the line - he was wearing an idiotic Mr Magoo hat and a tee-shirt reading WORLD'S GREATEST GRANDPA - abruptly raised a videocam and began to shoot, possibly anticipating a confrontation that would land his footage on one of the network reality shows.

Cars full of gawking tourists armed with videocams and pocket cameras thronged every road around the Tidal Basin.