vidaXL is an international online retailer, and offers a wide range of items in, amongst other things, the categories home, garden, garage, DIY and clothing. vidaXL started as and continued on under the name vidaXL, in order to gain a more international air. Today, vidaXL is active in no less than 28 countries, including the Netherlands, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Australia.
In 2013, vidaXL started doing online auctions. The starting bid for the auctions is always just €1, and automatic bidding is possible. With automatic bidding, the bidders set the maximum price they would be willing to pay, and thus participate in the auction automatically until this amount is reached.
In 2016, vidaXL won the prestigious ‘ Cross-Border E-commerce Award’; an award for the most achieving international web retailer.
vidaXL was selected to represent The Netherlands for the Entrepreneurial Award at the global e-commerce summit in Barcelona on May the 31, 2016. Although they didn't win the award they announced that in April 2016 they started selling in the USA and later that year will open a vidaXL Marketplace.