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n. (plural of victimizer English)

Usage examples of "victimizers".

He told her he loved detective work because it gave him an opportunity to help the poor and oppressed by righting wrongs and by making certain the victimizers of this world got put behind bars where they belonged.

Is there this long daisy chain of victimizers and victims, screwers and screwees?

As on Earth, there will be multitudes of the strong and the weak, the rich and the poor, the pushers and the pushed, the brave and the cowardly, the dull and the bright, the open and the shut, the givers and the takers, the compassionate and the indifferent or cruel, the sensitive and the callous, the tender-and the brutal, the victimizers and the victims, the sane, the half-sane, and the mad.

Smugglers and highwaymen, victims and victimizers, she thought, panicked and resentful.