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n. The quality of being vicarious.


Vicariousness refers to qualities or scenarios wherein one's experiences occur through another person.

There are various examples whereby the social phenomenon of vicariousness may be observed. These include for instance, stage parents, some of whom may try to live out their dream career through their offspring. Such attempts of vicarious behavior has been noted by some analysts as having negative consequences. In actual circumstances wherein a parent tries to live out their accomplishment through their child even though the child seems uninterested, it has been labeled with common phrases such as chasing lost dreams. In these instances, it is a subset of possessiveness which has been most markedly observed at the spectator stands of children's sport games.

Usage examples of "vicariousness".

In the Incarnation we get, of course, this idea of vicariousness of one person profiting by the earning of another person.

And we also find this same vicariousness to be a characteristic, or, as the musician would put it, a leitmotif of Nature.

And yet, suddenly seeing it in the light of the Christian story, one realizes that vicariousness is not in itself bad.