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Vialle Alternative Fuel Systems B.V. is a Netherlands-based alternative fuels technology company specializing in autogas equipment.

Vialle started as an importer of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) equipment in 1967. This expanded to the development of new technologies to meet the needs of Vialle's customers for a higher performance, more efficient solutions.

Vialle was the first company to invent and patent liquid propane injection in the 1980s. The solution was patented and released to the market in 1993 as the "LPI" product. The system features a unique pump design with high performance, low heat generation and variable speeds to deliver high output efficiency.

Usage examples of "vialle".

The unexpected, lurid death of Lannes-- Rigid as iron, reaped down like a straw-- Tiptoed Assassination haunting round In unthought thoroughfares, the near success Of Staps the madman, argue to forbid The riskful blood of my previsioned line And potence for dynastic empery To linger vialled in my veins alone.

Reidel knew only that she was one of the aristocratic caste of telepaths from Vialles, and even in the crowded society of the spaceship, the Viallan telepaths held themselves haughtily aloof from the rest.

Random and Vialle stood on the near side of the bed, their backs to us.