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vest pocket

n. a small pocket in a man's vest

Usage examples of "vest pocket".

Working at the toggles, he could feel the chute responding now to his guidance, and when he unsheathed the flashlight from his vest pocket and turned it on the canopy, everything looked all right, at least so far as he could see.

An array consisting of a pencil-flashlight, a two-colors-of-ink fountain pen and a fountain-pen-tear-gas-gun stuck in his vest pocket.

She found a dog treat in her vest pocket and worried it between her fingers.

He dug out the parachute shroud cutter from a vest pocket and slashed at the nylon lines around his legs.

He taken two of them through the middle button on his vest and just for luck I put another through his Bull Durham tag, where it hung from his left vest pocket.

The gun fitted into a left-side vest pocket Lazarus had retailored into a makeshift holster.

I'd already found the key to my Dakota apartment in my vest pocket, and now I turned to the window beside me, and scraping through the thin white layer of frost with a sharp corner of the key, I set down the outline of her cheekbone.

The best I could do was pull downward, using the band of metal connecting the manacles on my wrists to pull his arm down as he stabbed me again, a downward thrust this time that would have come in over the same rib and punctured my heart had it not been for my pull on his arm slowing the movement and the com unit in my vest pocket deflecting the blade.

He took two cheroots from his vest pocket and handed one of them to her.

He leaned against the outer door and took a small automatic about four inches long out of his vest pocket.