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very much

adv. 1 extremely (''Used to modify a verb. To modify an adjective or an adverb, ''very'' is used.'') 2 indeed

very much

adv. to a very great degree or extent; "we enjoyed ourselves very much"; "she was very much interested"; "this would help a great deal" [syn: a lot, a good deal, a great deal, much]

Usage examples of "very much".

Occasionally I must wait for her, but I really don't mind too very much.

And of course, perversely, when so very much was at stake, she couldn't do it.

Then, very much to the surprise of the ship's officers in the party, he grinned a dis-armingly boyish grin.

We've been away for a long time so far as we are concerned, and although we've worked as hard as we know how it doesn't seem we've done very much.

I have never seen him before, I think, but then again, they all look very much the same to me and I have never been sensitive to individual differ­.

The cosmic cycle will bring this age inevitably: it will be the next shemittah, very much like the first.

There was never any doubt that Nebraskans would vote themselves a free state, but Kansas was very much up for grabs.

The supporting cast includes a 9-year-Old boy very much like I was at that age.