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n. (plural of verst English)

Usage examples of "versts".

By the middle of the next forenoon, Boris and his wife, seated in the open kibitka, drawn by post-horses, reached the boundaries of the estate, a few versts from the village.

As the versts went by, Greg seemed ever more eager to return to the family home, but soon Natalya began to look doubtful, as if she were uncertain of her welcome when she arrived.

Da Loglio had given me a letter for the Princess Daschkoff, and I took it to her country house, at the distance of three versts from St.

Colonel Melissino asked me to be present at a review which was to take place at three versts from St.

There was a great review held at a distance of twelve or fourteen versts from St.

It ought to speed things up if we could knock off a thousand versts or so by rail.

All the nobility, for fifty versts around, including Prince Paul and the chief families of Kostroma, were invited.

See to it that every man, woman, and child, for ten versts out on the Moskovskoi road, knows of their coming.

I verily believe that if the lumber-room had been a couple of versts away, and the frame twice as heavy as it was, I should have been the more pleased.

Petersburg, where she had relatives, but more frequently at her village of Mitishtchi, which stood some three versts from ours.

The Corporal returned after an absence of two days, and declared that he had seen on the steppe, sixty versts from the fortress, a great many fires, and that he had heard the Bashkirs say that an innumerable force was advancing.

The fort he commanded was only twenty-five versts from ours, so that from hour to hour we might expect an attack from Pougatcheff.

Suddenly coming from behind a hill, eight versts from the fortress, appeared new groups of horsemen, and soon the whole steppe was covered by men armed with lances and arrows.

Her particular part of the country was a few hundred versts the other side of Tamboff, with some fifteen miles of agrarian disturbance between her and the nearest neighbour.

On that curved line, discovered at once, easy to attack, under a shower of bullets, Vlassof developed a speed of ninety versts an hour.