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n. (plural of versifier English)

Usage examples of "versifiers".

The assembled lyric poets, composers of assassination eulogies, narrative versifiers and satirists -- Baal is here, of course -- gaze with amusement, but also with a little unease, at the sleepwalking Mahound.

Many poets make a living by writing assassination songs, and there is general agreement that the finest of these blood--praising versifiers is the precocious polemicist, Baal.

Baal sang his love poems, and the ache in them silenced the other versifiers, who allowed Baal to speak for them all.

He had become a student, though somewhat reluctantly, in elementary school--and Miss Grind, in junior high, had practically killed his love for poetry by forcing his class to read syrupy sentiments by minor versifiers and telling her students they were great.