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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Veritable \Ver"i*ta*ble\, a. [F. v['e]ritable. See Verity.] Agreeable to truth or to fact; actual; real; true; genuine. ``The veritable Deity.''
--Sir W. Hamilton. -- Ver"i*ta*bly, adv.


adv. In a veritable manner; in a way that truly and accurately describes something.

Usage examples of "veritably".

Good to which all is bound and itself to none: for only thus is it veritably the object of all aspiration.

Ideal-Forms as the Divine Mind beheld dwelling within the Veritably Living Being, so many the Maker resolved should be contained in this All.

If it had authentic participation in The Good and were veritably changed, it would not be essentially evil.

Supreme, because, by the medium of the Soul thought of as descending they remain linked with the Primal Soul, and through it are veritably what they are called and possess the vision of the Intellectual Principle, the single object of contemplation to that soul in which they have their being.

The Intellectual-Principle, the veritably and essentially intellective, can this be conceived as ever falling into error, ever failing to think reality?

Intellectual-Principle and this we set down as veritably the maker and creator of the All.

Even here the august and veritably beautiful life is the life in wisdom, here dimly seen, There purely.

No: the veritably pleasant lies away in that other realm, the most to be loved and sought for, not something brought about and changing but the very principle of all the colour and radiance and brightness found here.

For, again, that only can be named the Good to which all is bound and itself to none: for only thus is it veritably the object of all aspiration.

All must be grouped under a unity which, as standing outside of all multiplicity and outside of any ordinary simplicity, is the veritably and essentially simplex.

Applying the same method to the total of things, here too we discover the Intellectual-Principle and this we set down as veritably the maker and creator of the All.

The air veritably crackles with imminencedo you deny your sensitivity to that, Malazan?

Nay, he veritably begs, that you spare him pending thrash and oof, on the night to come, and every night to follow!

The heroic embrace of a multitude of iron hands, gripping deep into the brown, warm flesh of the land that quivered responsive and passionate under this rude advance, so robust as to be almost an assault, so violent as to be veritably brutal.

His mind went back to that wonderful time of his life sixteen years before this, when Angele was alive, when they two were involved in the sweet intricacies of a love so fine, so pure, so marvellous that it seemed to them a miracle, a manifestation, a thing veritably divine, put into the life of them and the hearts of them by God Himself.