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n. (plural of verification English)

Usage examples of "verifications".

Until three days ago he was in charge of primary verifications at the Gemeinschaft Bank.

Margie needs three full business days to run the required verifications on the information in your application, and that's just about how much time we have before next Wednesday's committee meeting.

He accepted the application, but he wasn't optimistic about the possibility of making all the required verifications prior to the recommendations committee's meeting next Wednesday morning.

But in getting these verifications, we have to deal with people outside this office, and some of them won't get back to us right away or won't like being hurried.

Margie needs three full business days to run the required verifications on the information in your application, and that’s just about how much time we have before next Wednesday’s committee meeting.

He accepted the application, but he wasn’t optimistic about the possibility of making all the required verifications prior to the recommendations committee’s meeting next Wednesday morning.

But in getting these verifications, we have to deal with people outside this office, and some of them won’t get back to us right away or won’t like being hurried.