a. (obsolete form of very English)
Usage examples of "verie".
Fleete, accompanying them, as it is said, with such vvonderfull trauell of bodie, as doubtlesse had he bene the meanest person, as he vvas the chiefest, he had yet deserued the first place of honour: and no lesse happie do we accompt him, for being associated with Maister Carleill his Lieutenant generall, by whose experiences, prudent counsell, and gallant performance, he atchiued so many and happie enterprises of the warre, by vvhom also he was verie greatly assisted, in setting downe the needefull orders, lawes, and course of iustice, and for the due administration of the same vpon all occasions.
Then the king shifted him, and came to the queene, and sat at the banket, which was verie sumptuous.
One pleasant Nymphe spake thus merrily vnto mee saying, giue mee thy hand, thou art verie welcome.