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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Veracious \Ve*ra"cious\, a. [L. verax, -acis, fr. verus true. See Very.]

  1. Observant of truth; habitually speaking truth; truthful; as, veracious historian.

    The Spirit is most perfectly and absolutely veracious.

  2. Characterized by truth; not false; as, a veracious account or narrative.

    The young, ardent soul that enters on this world with heroic purpose, with veracious insight, will find it a mad one.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"habitually disposed to speak truth," 1670s, from Latin verac-, stem of verax "according to truth, truthful," from verus "true" (see very) + -ous.


a. truthful

  1. adj. habitually speaking the truth; "an honest man"; "a veracious witness" [syn: honest]

  2. precisely accurate; "a veracious account"

Usage examples of "veracious".

Never excluding the possibility some of the shadows are veracious - possibility that Osmond did do these little jobs.

Their judgment, I believe, will be in favour of my veracity, and, indeed, why should I not be veracious?

It was fortunate for Stevens that the charities of William Hinkley were more active and indulgent than his own, since, without the timely succor and aid which he afforded, that devout young gentleman would have been made to discontinue his studies very suddenly and have furnished a summary conclusion to this veracious narrative--a consummation which, if it be as devoutly wished by the reader as by the writer, will be a much greater source of annoyance to our publisher than it has proved already.

This veracious description, reader, will not give you a very high opinion of the morals of my dear fellow citizens.

Thus a vast number of well-authenticated cases of veracious visions will be required before science could admit that it might be well to investigate hitherto unacknowledged faculties of the human mind.