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n. 1 (abbreviation of verification English) 2 (abbreviation of vermilion English) 3 (abbreviation of verse English) 4 (abbreviation of version English) vb. (abbreviation of verify English)

Usage examples of "ver.".

Believe me, Dear Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Yours very sincerely, GILBERT PARKER.

Each--for they were all very short--was written at a sitting, and all had their origin in true stories which had been told me in the heart of Quebec itself.

As was perhaps natural, there was some criticism, but very little, in French Canada itself, upon the stories in this volume.

On the very day of their marriage Louis Racine had made a painful discovery.

English and French soldiers joined in the festivities without any intrusion of racial spirit, but in the very essence and soul of goodfellowship.

She felt as though she were suffocating, and she opened the window a little very softly.

In imagination she saw him there, a straight, slim, handsome figure, with the very vanity of proud health upon him, and ambition and passionate purpose in every line of his figure, every glance of his eyes.

The house was very still and the blinds were drawn to shut out the heat, but the soft din of the locusts came through the windows.

They were sad, mistaken ambitions, doomed to failure, but they were also his very heart, which he would empty out gladly for an idea.

He snatched her to his breast, and kissed her twice in a very agony of joy, then let her go.

I am telling him Junie Gauloir have run away with Dicey the Protestant, when all very quick Luc push between me and Henri, jump into the street, and speak like that!

The very effort he made to be defiant of his fate appeared to make him still more solitary.

This year Luc Pomfrette had won it, and that very day it had been buckled round his leg with songs and toasts.

Norinne, she do all the work, and that little Marie, there is dam funny in him, and Norinne, she keep go, go, all the time, early and late, and she get ver' thin and quiet.

He is thin and square, and his beard grow ver' thick and rough and long, and his hands are like planks.