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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ventriloquize \Ven*tril"o*quize\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Ventriloquized; p. pr. & vb. n. Ventriloquizing .] To practice ventriloquism; to speak like a ventriloquist.


vb. (en-past of: ventriloquize)

Usage examples of "ventriloquized".

Then Florian had to step in to translate, when Sir John himself and the ventriloquized Mignonne Mademoiselle Mitaine went well beyond their rehearsed French squabble into English insults and ripostes.

During the intermission, Fitzfarris—who by now had memorized his patter in comprehensible Italian—expatiated at greater length on his few freaks, and drew out his ventriloquized banter with Little Miss Mitten and actually sold a good number of his swazzles, while Magpie Maggie Hag had no scarcity of pregnant women's palms to read during that extended interval.