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venticool is an international platform formed in 2012 focusing on ventilative cooling issues, with the overall goal to mobilize the ventilative cooling potential in terms of energy conservation, health, and comfort.

Within this platform ventilative cooling refers to the use of ventilation strategies to cool indoor spaces. The most common technique is the use of increased ventilation airflow rates but other technologies may be considered as well.

The creation of the platform was triggered by increasing concerns for overheating risks and thermal comfort in low-energy buildings, while ventilative cooling strategies remain poorly considered in building regulations and scarcely well-implemented in practice. These concerns are reinforced in particular by the 2020 objectives of the European Union and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).

The platform’s main activities focus on communication, networking and awareness raising. They include the organization of events: conferences, workshops and webinars, as well as the production of publications: papers, reports, guidebooks etc.