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n. (obsolete form of vengeance English)

Usage examples of "vengeaunce".

At last through wrath and vengeaunce making way,He on the bancke arriu'd with mickle paine,Where the third brother him did sore assay,And droue at him with all his might and maineA forrest bill, which both his hands did straine.

By this the other came in place likewise,And couching close his speare and all his powre,As bent to some malicious enterprise,He bad him stand, t'abide the bitter stoureOf his sore vengeaunce, or to make auoureOf the lewd words and deedes, which he had done:With that ran at him, as he would deuoureHis life attonce.

And still among most bitter wordes they spake,Most shamefull, most vnrighteous, most vntrew,That they the mildest man aliue would makeForget his patience, and yeeld vengeaunce dewTo her, that so false sclaunders at him threw.