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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Vend \Vend\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Vended; p. pr. & vb. n. Vending.] [F. vendre, L. vendere, from venum dare; venus sale + dare to give. See 2d Venal, Date, time.] To transfer to another person for a pecuniary equivalent; to make an object of trade; to dispose of by sale; to sell; as, to vend goods; to vend vegetables.

Note: Vend differs from barter. We vend for money; we barter for commodities. Vend is used chiefly of wares, merchandise, or other small articles, not of lands and tenements.


vb. (present participle of vend English)


n. the act of selling goods for a living [syn: peddling, hawking, vendition]


Usage examples of "vending".

Stalinist lapels and hemlines into spangly kitsch, the Day-Glo designer industrial-waste outlets vending pet elements from beyond the actinide seriesin all this synthetic needs-mongering, Kraft and Linda stumble upon a bookstore.

I sold The Good Times out on Campus Boul and was eventually recruited to distribute a rival publication called After Dark, basically a skin mag, whose cover each week featured a blurry color separation of an unclothed full-busted beauty whose smoky look smoldered above the fold in the vending machines where I placed the papers.

Enderby went out, past the girl and women typists, and took the stairs down to the greenroom, where he gave himself lunch from the vending machine -- yoghurt with boysenberries and coffee that went on wasting itself on the sugar-encrusted grill beneath.

There I found a doorless room, really only a vestibule leading nowhere, with a pair of bright-lit Pepsi machines, another vending machine offering cellophane-wrapped Oreos and Cheez-Its at the end of corkscrew spirals, and a high-mounted television set, angled as though for a bedridden patient.

But Manayunk, like all of us, hippened up in the nineties, attracting an annual bicycle race to its hills, restaurants like this one, and countless boutiques vending black clothes.

Small bottles of vending machine sake and shochu liquor stood half empty between them.

Finally she walked through the corridors to the vending machines and bought a pack of unfiltered Lucky Strikes.

In the spacious anteroom are three-way floor-length mirrors, a long vanity with tissues and cotton balls and individual mirrors, dispensers for lotions and astringent cleansers, little squirt bottles of antistatic and hairspray, nail buffers, a vending machine dispensing individual vials of various scents at a cost per ounce as exorbitant as if it were Parisian perfume.

Worse yet was settling for Chinese takeout from places called Big Freds and watereddown cappuccino from conveniencestore vending machines.

Until then let her be bought and sold, and passed from hand to hand, subject to exchanges, and vendings and barterings.

But as part of her plan Megan had found, through the kitchen staff that handled all the "sundries" vending, a cosmetics supplier.

Ross ran an overworld liquor distributorship, and had interests in vending machine and trucking businesses.

Has a contract to deliver advertising handbills for the local moving-picture theater which he farms out to his younger brother and four other boys and pays them in tickets to the theater and keeps some - for his own use and sells the rest at a discount (four cents instead of five) at schooL Has a vending bar for soda pop (a sweet, bubbly drink) on the corner in the summers but plans to franchise this to his younger brother this coming summer.

They kept jumping up to buy chocolate and Red Bulls from the vending machine, and Caffery sat with his back to them, looking across the table at Gummer, who had bought a cup of coffee and two chocolate bars, which he unwrapped, broke into four pieces and positioned on a paper plate in front of him.

The energy bar wasn't sitting well in her stomach, which made her wonder just how long it had been since the vending machine had been serviced.