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Velo may refer to:

  • A bicycle - a two-wheeled, single-track vehicle.
  • Christian Nestor Velo, Malagasy politician
  • Marco Velo (born 1974), Italian cyclist
  • VeloBind - the binding
  • Benz Velo - the automobile
  • Philips Velo - a handheld PC
  • Velo, Greece, a town in Greece
  • Velo-, the prefix form of velum ( soft palate), such as in velocardiofacial syndrome

Usage examples of "velo".

We had a Count Velo, a Count Sesso, a Count Trento--all very amiable companions.

As swiftly as she could, she negotiated the tunnels of the Eyri, warren, all carved from the rich, warm stone that made the Velo Mountains the most beautiful in Samaria.

Velora was a bustling, happy, cosmopolitan town nestled at the foot of the imposing Velo mountain from which the Eyrie had been carved.

So she left early the following morning and made the lazy, easy flight back to the Velo Mountains and their tireless, bustling heart, the Eyrie.

Tiriamo un velo sulle turpitudini e mi perdoni chi legge se per avventura lo scandalizzai.

At last having mastered my subject well, I began my work, and giving full career to my imagination and to my feelings I composed the ten stanzas, and gave the finishing stroke with these two beautiful lines from Ariosto: Le angelicche bellezze nate al cielo Non si ponno celar sotto alcum velo.

Asrar Nama, donde se dice que Zahir es la sombra de la Rosa y la rasgadura del Velo.

Recorté la hoja en seis tiras, escribí talismanes e invocaciones en las cinco primeras, y en la restante las siguientes palabras que están en el glorioso Qurán: 'Hemos retirado tu velo, y la visión de tus ojos es penetrante'.

Una pesante cappa di nebbia aleggiava sul terreno, impedendo a Brom ed Eragon di vedere in lontananza, finché da ovest non prese a soffiare una brezza sostenuta che dissipò il velo grigio.

Dallo squarcio emergevano i giganti dei suoi incubi infantili e presto avrebbero sollevato quel velo.

If Velos had his way my cabin door would be welded closed from the outside, not to be opened again for fear of contagion.

There was a fleeting satisfaction in disappointing Velos, who claimed I was dead or close to it.

Se ataviaban con cortas faldas de seda, apretadas alrededor de la cintura con cinturones cuajados de gemas, y velos diáfanos las cruzaban por de­lante de los senos.