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n. (plural of veldt English)

Usage examples of "veldts".

Over thousands of miles, from Congo jungles to the veldts of the south, men tormented and enslaved and spat upon had lifted weary faces to a message blown down the wind.

Further south yet, beyond deserts and veldts, were barbarous black kingdoms.

In the next five months I will see veldts and mountains, Rio and Cairo, the Khvber Pass and the Straits of Gibraltar, the Outback and the Champs-Elysees--all very far from home for a man who has often been called the mayor of Jokertown.

Herd animals from Africa's veldts to the Canadian tundra were seen moving in huge, restless, undirected surges, and swarms of birds everywhere, numbering millions, fluttered agitatedly in the trees long into the night.