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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Vein \Vein\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Veined; p. pr. & vb. n. Veining.] To form or mark with veins; to fill or cover with veins.


n. An arrangement of veins or veinlike markings

Veining (metallurgy)

In metallurgy a veining (or finning) is the occurrence of a sheet like casting defect, produced by molten metal penetration into a sand casting mould.

Usage examples of "veining".

Free gold in paillettes was noticed by the Expedition in the micaceous schists veining the quartz, and in the chalcedony which parts the granite from the gneiss.

There were forms of single-celled organism down there, I knew-staining the surface in great, lustrous purple and emerald monolayers or veining deep rock strata-but they existed in such glacial time that it was hard to think of them as living at all.

She looked at the subdolous, pale-green eyes, with their predatory restlessness, at the square-blocked, flaccid jaw, and the beefy, animal-like massiveness of the strong neck, at the huge form odorous of gin and cigar smoke, and the great, hairy hands marked with their purplish veinings.

Lazily he puckered his lips and blew again at the fine tendril of dark hair that entranced him as it lay on the fragile skin of her temple, where the delicate blue veining lay just under the translucent skin.

He read the veinings of a leaf, the pattern on a mushroom cap, and divined mysteries, relations, futures, possibilities: the magic of symbols, the foreshadowing of numbers and writing, the reduction of infinitudes and multiplicities to simplicity, to system, to concept.

A single silver leaf shape, with roughly stamped veining, curved around one side of it.

But as he had spent his days in the quarries, detecting intuitively the hollows, bubbles, veining, knots.

The yellow bright rays of K94 struck back at them from the ice-scoured granite surface of the slope, gray with white veinings of quartz.

The cracks and markings upon the surface corresponded to the veinings he thought he had seen within the foggy heap which had surrounded the sword.

I picked up a clay ashtray in the shape of a lilypad, with the veinings carefully drawn in yellow on a murky green ground.

The marble pavement was now of that livid color seen in the flesh of bodies after death, its veinings were dark as if blood had coagulated within them, and were interspersed with mottlings such as would be made on human skin by the contusions of iron maces.