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n. (plural of veggie English)


Veggies may refer to:

  • Vegetables - common slag term
  • Veggies - Nottingham, UK based catering company

Usage examples of "veggies".

As she put the veggies in the refrigerator, Amanda tried to verbalize what she felt.

The meals for this flight are Chicken Kiev with rice, Roast Beef au Jus with baked potato, and for the weight-watchers among us, Orange Ruffy and stir-fried veggies - and if you believe that, sir, you've been staring at the instrument panel too long.

According to the radio, our fritters contained every vitamin known to man, but I still felt the lack of green veggies.

Choice of four veggies: green pepper, broccoli, mushroom, or carrot - besides the traditional potato and onion, of course.

One of these bad boys can help you make those slick-looking, perfectly uniform julienned and bâtonnet-cut veggies you thought they cut by hand last time you ate out-and it cranks out lovely waffle cuts with a twist of the wrist.

We got veggies that were half butternut and half spaghetti squash, and every other combination possible.

It consists of cooked brown rice, mushrooms, water chestnuts, and other flavorful veggies.