is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. Vegeta first appears in chapter #204 , published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine on December 19, 1988, seeking the wish-granting Dragon Balls to gain immortality.
As prince of the Saiyans, an extraterrestrial race of warriors that the series' protagonist Goku also belongs to, Vegeta is extremely vain, believing he is the strongest and becoming obsessed with surpassing Goku. He later reluctantly unites with the heroes to thwart greater threats to the universe, becoming an antihero and later as one of the heroes, while remaining a rival to Goku. Vegeta's character, particularly his personality, has been well received.
Vegeta is a condiment which is a mixture primarily of salt with flavour enhancers, spices and various vegetables invented in 1959 by a Croatian scientist Zlata Bartl, and has become a product sold worldwide.
Vegeta is produced by Podravka, a company from Koprivnica, Croatia, as well as a subsidiary of Podravka in Poland and two Vegeta licensees from Austria and Hungary. There have been around 50 instances of other companies attempting to reproduce the product.
Vegeta was conceived in 1958 in Podravka's laboratories and professor Zlata Bartl was head of the team that invented it. The product was first sold in Yugoslavia in 1959 as "Vegeta 40", and has since become so popular that the production increased by several orders of magnitude. In 1967 Vegeta was first exported to Hungary and the USSR and is now sold in around 40 countries worldwide.
There is also a "no MSG added" version for those avoiding monosodium glutamate.
Vegeta is a character in Dragon Ball media.
Vegeta may also refer to:
- Vegeta (food), a condiment
- King Vegeta, a character in Dragon Ball media and father of Vegeta in the story
- Vegeta Jr., a character in the Dragon Ball universe and descendant of Vegeta in the story
- Ulmus × hollandica 'Vegeta' (Chichester Elm)
- Ulmus × hollandica 'Vegeta' (Huntingdon Elm)