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n. (plural of vegan English)

Usage examples of "vegans".

Whatever Vegans knew had not been influenced by peculiarly human institutions, history, or biology.

We thought with your record of invention -- and since your context-recognition chip was involved in the recycling discovery -- that you might put yourself in the place of the Vegans and think of where you'd put the primer.

We read something like this (the letters stand for symbols the Vegans introduce).

Although much that Hadden had just said resonated with her own thinking, she was tired of these beguiling and confident speculations on what the Vegans had in mind.

She wondered if the Vegans would continue broadcasting the same Message to the Earth forever.

Even if we had made some mistake in interpretation or construction, she thought, even if we never understood anything more about the Vegans, the Message demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that there were other beings in the universe, and that they were more advanced than we.

They would have to hope the Vegans would remember that humans had a propensity for breathing oxygen.

If she needed a camera, she told project officials, she'd just ask the Vegans for one.

Could the Vegans have gone to all this trouble and forgotten that we need to breathe?

Your Vegans couldn't have known twenty-six years ago when the Machine was going to be activated.

We thought with your record of invention--and since your context recognition chip was involved in the recycling discovery--that you might put yourself in the place of the Vegans and think of where you'd put the primer.

For on that night the wise old one had died and he’d messaged Galactic Central, he had been told that the Vegans had known the moment he had died.

The Vegans, for example, have known for some time that the body had been taken and they were disturbed, of course.

For on that night the wise old one had died and he'd messaged Galactic Central, he had been told that the Vegans had known the moment he had died.