Vecchio (; plural vecchi, meaning "old one" or simply "old"), is a category of aged, male characters from the Italian commedia dell'arte. The primary members of this group are Pantalone, Il Dottore and Il Capitano. Pantalone and Il Dottore are the alter ego of each other, Pantalone being the decadent wealthy merchant, and Il Dottore being the decadent erudite.
They are overwhelmingly the antagonists, opposing the love of the innamorati; the comic ending is produced when the zanni manage to overcome them and unite the lovers.
"Vecchio" is the Italian word for "old" (as used in Ponte Vecchio, meaning "old bridge").
Usage examples of "vecchio".
Ingiuriarlo, maltrattarlo, batterlo, era poca cosa: un giorno il vecchio fu trovato col cranio fracassato sul lastrico del cortile interno di casa sua.
The rest are ex-Air Force Jag, like Bobby Vecchio, the district attorney, who stayed on after their hitches at Statler were up and those who wanted a small-town practice and happened to pick Lassington for no particular reason.
Bobby Vecchio was probably the only Da in the South who recruited at Fordham, his alma mater.
During his tour as a Jag officer at Statler, Vecchio had met Marie Turner, who in the eighth grade had been my number-one girlfriend, and ended up marrying her.
Everybody agreed Vecchio had a good shot at being appointed circuit court judge when Carey retired.
Sometimes I wondered if Vecchio made me look good because of our friendship.
I had never sent him a bill and he had never offered to pay, although after I got Bobby Vecchio to noll pross the marijuana distribution rap, Tim had offered to set me up with a hot babe in Richleigh.
I told Vecchio that I was authorized to offer a guilty plea if he would reduce the charge to a misdemeanor.
Bobby Vecchio pressed a plastic cup of bourbon and ice into my hand and pulled me aside.
Bobby Vecchio climbed on the dais and tapped the microphone, which emitted a cough you could hear two states away.
The name struck a chord that vibrated gently for a few seconds before I remembered what Vecchio had told me.
I picked up the folder Vecchio pushed across his desk, opened it, and scanned the affidavit in support of the search warrant.
Years ago a lecturer at an American College of Trial Lawyers seminar had told Vecchio to use stories to make his points during summation.
We indict Dugan, we blow our shot at nailing Vecchio and his protection racket buddies in Richleigh.
Soleva fare le mie escursioni lontane a cavallo accompagnata da un vecchio e fido domestico di casa.