Vattakkalvalasu is a village in Kilambadi town panchayat in Erode district, Tamil Nadu, India. The town panchayat office is located in Vattakkalvalasu. The majority of people in the village belong to the Kongu Vellalar community. The major clans of the community in the village are Porulthanthakulam, Kannan Kulam and few Pannai Kulam.
The village is located 25 kilometers from Erode, 15 kilometers from Kodumudi and 42 kilometers from Karur. The Kalingarayan Canal passes through the village.
There are three women's self-help groups functioning in Vattakkalvalasu.
The Malayampalayam Police station is located half a kilometre from the village.
There is a co-operative milk society in the village.
Category:Villages in Erode district