The Collaborative International Dictionary
Vatican Council \Vat"i*can Coun"cil\ (R. C. Ch.) The council held under Pope Pius IX. in Vatican at Rome, in 1870, which promulgated the dogma of papal infallibility.
' Vatican Council' may refer to:
- First Vatican Council (1869-1870), the 20th ecumenical council recognized by Roman Catholicism
- Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), the 21st ecumenical council recognized by Roman Catholicism
Usage examples of "vatican council".
The high-water mark in recent history is the 1864 Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX, the pope who also convened the Vatican Council at which the doctrine of papal infallibility was, at his insistence, first proclaimed.
The basic stuff we all were raised on, all of us who were fortunate enough to be around before the Vatican Council.
The striking parallel he draws with the fierce marketing innovation for the New Coke forced to go back to Classic Coke, even to citing regional thorns like R C Cola with the Roman Catholic campaign to recover its faithful from the alienation brought on by the desperate effort of the Second Vatican Council lowering its standards to reach out to the multitude by doing the mass in local jargon like allowing the orthodox to make a meal kosher by holding a telephone over it with a rabbi's voice at the other end, you see I was brought up Catholic Mrs Lutz and this touches a special chord in my oh, just a moment yes, quite off the subject but this is important, I think you may have heard mention of it?
At any rate, it seems that the Vatican Council has begun to debate the question of the sentence of death, and the probability is that it'll be carried out.