a varied diet (=including many different foods)
▪ Provide your fish with a varied diet of worms, insects, and dried food.
a varied selection
▪ The supermarket has a varied selection of fruit juice drinks especially for children.
estimates range/vary from ... to ...
▪ Estimates of the number of homeless people in the city range from 6,000 to 10,000.
individuals vary (=everyone is different)
▪ Individuals vary in their ability to adapt to change.
varies greatly
▪ The quality of health care varies greatly.
varies widely
▪ The quality of the applicants varies widely.
▪ Further education provision for students with special needs is also varied.
▪ Because bond strengths may differ along the various crystallographic axes, hardness may also vary slightly in direction.
▪ Polarisation may also vary the way in which fusion takes place.
▪ The carbonaceous chondrites not only are weaker but also vary greatly in strength.
▪ The number of dates also varies, depending on how busy the track is.
▪ A reified chocolate bar can also vary in quantity.
▪ Consequently the amount of memory required for a dawg will also vary.
▪ Expectation of treatment by government and police also varies among educational levels.
▪ In he rest of the world, however, pensions systems vary considerably.
▪ Quantifying damage to reputation is obviously a difficult task, and the size of the awards varies considerably.
▪ In social status they varied considerably.
▪ Second, the functions of legislatures vary considerably from state to state.
▪ Some Basic Courtship Considerations Clearly the relationships in which we are involved vary considerably.
▪ By its nature, the content of intelligence varies considerably from age to age and from child to child.
▪ Obviously its qualities varied considerably and are in any case difficult to assess.
▪ The way I support conversations about books varies considerably between Miles and Evan.
▪ These vary enormously, so it's a good idea to check what is available.
▪ Counties vary enormously in their supply of early education programs.
▪ On snow and ice climbs conditions can, of course, vary enormously.
▪ The reasons for selling can vary enormously and will affect what the vendor sees as the key issues.
▪ The actual definition of key settlements, the hierarchies of settlement types and the nomenclature adopted for these vary enormously among counties.
▪ These devices can vary enormously in nature and scope: from the overall presentation of narrative structure down to linguistic play.
▪ Though the specifics will vary enormously, the general outline is quite clear.
▪ The amount of shearing or elongation which a ductile material will withstand varies enormously between different metals and alloys.
▪ Topics are extremely varied and are often viewed from unusual angles.
▪ Now our audience is this amazing, extremely varied cross-section, with many young people.
▪ They vary greatly in the shape and color.
▪ It is difficult to give any general definition of management as what constitutes management varies greatly between jobs and between organisations.
▪ The elasticity values faced by individual developing countries vary greatly as a function, firstly, of their size.
▪ The booksellers' and auctioneers' vocabulary concerning condition is a very extensive one and varies greatly from cataloguer to cataloguer.
▪ What these numbers say is simply: Sleep needs vary greatly from one person to another.
▪ The nature of this will vary greatly depending on a rose's ancestry, while its appreciation is a very personal matter.
▪ Most saw it as an evil, although the ways suggested to combat the condition varied greatly.
▪ However, the criminal law is not fixed and static, it varies over time and from area to area.
▪ Correlations varied over a very wide range.
▪ As market rates of interest vary over time, it becomes difficult to achieve this, a feature known as reinvestment risk.
▪ Perhaps local politics needs to be seen as a series of shifting alliances, varying over time and from issue to issue.
▪ Relationships in a single policy area also vary over time according to the issues and personalities involved.
▪ That stars can vary over much longer periods seems likely.
▪ The allowances were varied over the years to take account of inflation, but were never particularly generous.
▪ Relationships vary over time, from authority to authority and from service to service.
▪ Media use varied significantly too with events.
▪ Only 21. 3 percent of all taxpayers take the mortgage-interest deduction, and this varies significantly with income.
▪ The effects of the virus on nerve cells, which control muscle movements, vary significantly.
▪ The cost of exchange rate risk management does not vary significantly with firm size.
▪ Age, level of education and consumption of fish and alcohol did not vary significantly among the groups.
▪ The zones varied significantly in size and composition.
▪ Squab are also larger than wild doves or wood pigeons, therefore cooking times will vary significantly.
▪ Because games may vary slightly in length you may not start at the exact time given.
▪ Because bond strengths may differ along the various crystallographic axes, hardness may also vary slightly in direction.
▪ However, standards do vary slightly, so we give the best rooms to early bookers.
▪ Goods can be varied slightly and repackaged for local markets throughout the world.
▪ The promotion aspects of the marketing mix vary slightly between consumer markets and industrial markets.
▪ The commands a modem understands vary slightly among brands, as do the default settings.
▪ Still more briefly I have attempted to show that instincts vary slightly in a state of Nature.
▪ This consisted of drawing on graph paper ten figures of slightly varying geometric size, made up of squares.
▪ Unfortunately, the ways in which these groups define relevance may vary widely.
▪ Like tuition, teacher credentials and class size vary widely at private schools.
▪ The quality of students' work-site experiences varies widely.
▪ The numbers recorded annually vary widely, ranging from under 100 to nearly 3,000 in recent springs.
▪ Ability to do so will of course vary widely depending on the endowments and training of the reader.
▪ The environment varies widely, including multi-purpose halls, hospitals, classrooms and social clubs.
▪ The percentage of visits done by deputies varied widely between different practices, ranging from 0% to 66%.
▪ However, the simple interpretation that state service-provision varies proportionately with age may also be misleading.
▪ This goal of the interstate highway system had been frustrated by varying drinking ages among the States.
▪ As might be expected, the prevalence of disability varied greatly with age.
▪ By its nature, the content of intelligence varies considerably from age to age and from child to child.
▪ The degree of sophistication will vary according to the age and abilities of the pupil.
▪ The construction of the task is a dynamic process which varies from age to age and society to society.
▪ A more significant objection has been the charge that leys involve marker sites that vary tremendously in age.
▪ Economic activity rates vary between age and gender groups within the population; they also vary historically.
▪ The handouts are intermittent; the amounts vary, as does the regularity of payment.
▪ The amount coming through will vary.
▪ Not only does the rainfall vary from year to year, the amount of water available varies throughout the year.
▪ The amount of ash usually varies between 5 to 20 percent of the original weight of the coal.
▪ As the name suggests, the amount you pay varies depending on the movement in interest rates.
▪ These steps have no time limit in which they must be taken, and the amount of time spent varies among individuals.
▪ The amount of power varies with the exposure of the coastline to the oceans.
▪ The minimum amount accepted for deposit varies according to the term you choose.
▪ The abilities of staff and availability of facilities to care for critically ill patients vary in all areas of health care.
▪ Stocks and rates of production vary from one area of the Southern Ocean to another.
▪ But the movements of this species are not well understood and the pattern varies in some areas.
▪ Firstly, you need to work out how much water you use - estimates vary from area to area.
▪ The leaf form varies according to the area where it grows.
▪ Topic - word senses vary according to subject area or domain.
▪ The relationship between min acidity and surface water acidity will vary from area to area.
▪ Support from statutory services Professional services available to the carer come from various sources and vary a great deal from area to area.
▪ Moreover, the pertinent value of benefit per life saved can vary from case to case.
▪ The non-excluded reasons and the grounds for challenging an authority's directives vary from case to case.
▪ Its position seems to vary from case to case.
▪ As with other details these might vary in specific cases, but a typical cannon has a value as shown here.
▪ Naturally, the form of guarantee that is appropriate varies from case to case.
▪ It is plain that the translation of these policies into practice will vary according to local circumstances.
▪ The situation for teachers without tenure varies according to the circumstances surrounding the dismissal.
▪ The specific nature of such groups will vary according to circumstances.
▪ It is important to work through several scenarios to determine who the players would be under varying circumstances.
▪ The nature of qualitative factors in decision making will vary with the circumstances related to the opportunities under consideration.
▪ The most appropriate style of management for raising the level employee efficiency and effectiveness will vary with circumstances.
▪ It must be an interplay between the two and will vary in different circumstances.
▪ Cost varies according to individual circumstances, and some commercial and government grants are available.
▪ The analysis will also take into account the psychological distress resulting from unemployment, which is known to vary considerably by country.
▪ Since situations vary from country to country, the practice of emulation has its own limitations and difficulties.
▪ The strength of these attitudes varied considerably between different countries.
▪ These standards may vary from country to country and they may be changed from time to time within a given country.
▪ The attitude to the disposal of plastics varies greatly among countries.
▪ Does the cost of capital for firms vary between countries, and if so why?
▪ Just how closely a central bank works with the government will vary from country to country.
▪ Doubts are like sicknesses in that the prevalent types vary from country to country and from culture to culture.
▪ The degree of sophistication will vary according to the age and abilities of the pupil.
▪ The gait may be histrionic with the degree of dysfunction varying in different situations.
▪ When two lines cross, the degree of discord varies with the included angle.
▪ The degree varies with the mission and circumstances, but intervention is still required.
▪ The appropriate degree varies with the price, the description and other relevant factors.
▪ Somerville-1941 Special Report Degree courses vary in length, but because of the war our stay at Somerville varied even more.
▪ The degree of skill will vary according to the post held by the doctor, rather than the experience of the individual.
▪ The degree of user customisation varies from system to system.
▪ Firstly, you need to work out how much water you use - estimates vary from area to area.
▪ More recent estimates have varied wildly.
▪ However, some of the provisions did vary according to whether the individuals were moving from one or other of the areas.
▪ This set point varies in individuals over time, as people cycle in and out of low-risk and higher-risk behavior.
▪ Do beliefs about obligations vary between individuals and if so, on what basis?
▪ Wake-up thresholds vary with each individual.
▪ Furthermore, numbers of peripheral activated B cells may vary among individuals.
▪ These steps have no time limit in which they must be taken, and the amount of time spent varies among individuals.
▪ The ratio of fast twitch to slow twitch fibres varies between individuals and is determined by heredity.
▪ The number of hours spent in lectures, tutorials or practicals varies for each individual.
▪ Because games may vary slightly in length you may not start at the exact time given.
▪ There was a concatenation of ladies that he squired around for varying lengths of time.
▪ Depending upon the style of kungfu being practised, the forms vary in length and degrees of difficulty.
▪ The Koran is a book divided into 114 suras of varying length, from a few lines to several pages.
▪ However, the slats are of varying lengths and the barrel is leaking.
▪ Different tasks require varying lengths of time to complete.
▪ Somerville-1941 Special Report Degree courses vary in length, but because of the war our stay at Somerville varied even more.
▪ Ideally you should vary your sentence length, establishing a rhythm for your writing.
▪ Across the globe, sea level varies by hundreds of feet.
▪ A large exploration programme both on and offshore is in progress, though the level of activity has varied considerably.
▪ Keeling obsessively measured CO2 anywhere he thought the level might vary.
▪ But what schools teach in a certain subject or at a particular grade level still varies widely among states and counties.
▪ The actual length of time one is asleep before this level is reached varies from person to person.
▪ The community at this level may vary from an organization to a national society.
▪ In practice the number returned will vary by up to 10%, though usually by more like 3%.
▪ Price and the number purchased vary directly. and these real-world data seem to be at odds with the law of demand.
▪ The number of dates also varies, depending on how busy the track is.
▪ The number does not vary when comparing intelligence, mental health, or level of daily activIty.
▪ Estimates of the number slaughtered vary from 30,000 to 70,000.
▪ The number of youngsters sniffing varies from place to place and at different times.
▪ The numbers recorded annually vary widely, ranging from under 100 to nearly 3,000 in recent springs.
▪ This research aims to investigate, in detail, activity in a small number of committees which vary in operation and intentions.
▪ Here we are focusing attention on the point of contact which will vary from person to person.
▪ The other complicating factor, Levine explains, is that immune systems vary from person to person.
▪ The importance of these considerations again will vary from person to person, and from one society to another.
▪ What these numbers say is simply: Sleep needs vary greatly from one person to another.
▪ The process usually coincides with the teen years but timing varies from one person to another.
▪ The actual length of time one is asleep before this level is reached varies from person to person.
▪ There are a number of obvious problems with the application of this rule, since its interpretation varies from person to person.
▪ It depends on the individual's attitudes, needs and priorities which clearly vary from person to person and from time to time.
▪ The number of youngsters sniffing varies from place to place and at different times.
▪ The rules vary from place to place, but there are always rules.
▪ It also varies from place to place.
▪ Thus what was considered immoral conduct has varied from place to place, and the definition has changed over time.
▪ Instruct each individual as it will vary from place to place on the floor.
▪ The rituals vary from place to place, but everywhere there is a reunion of the living with those who have died.
▪ But uneven development does not simply mean that types and quantities of physical and social phenomena vary from place to place.
▪ The structure of the interview will vary from place to place.
▪ The prices vary from circuit to circuit, but as a rule they range from £30 for a session to £300.
▪ The quality and price of private housing varies enormously both between city centres and suburbs and between different geographical areas.
▪ Performance times and tickets prices vary.
▪ Package costing: Where complete packages are being compared price mix may vary considerably between suppliers.
▪ Event prices vary. 410-268-4545.
▪ Shop around for limousines and photographers, prices can vary but so can the service.
▪ The cancellation fee is usually expressed as a percentage of the contract price, and varies on a sliding scale.
▪ His reviews avoided the pitfalls of exotica and newness, drawing attention instead to the varied formal qualities of the writing.
▪ Milk chocolate sold in bulk could only vary in price and quality.
▪ The product can be varied in terms of quality, number of versions, branding, packaging and after-sales service.
▪ Each bag held about 1 pound of marijuana of varying quality.
▪ It is useful for such people to learn to vary the quality of their effort.
▪ So far, the pilot projects have varied widely in quality.
▪ Smaller parts vary in quality, but hardly suggest that La Scala were casting from strength.
▪ Prices of cuts should vary with quality.
▪ As has been reported above, individual non-consultation rates vary considerably between universities, the range being from zero to ninety-three percent.
▪ Impulses pass in one direction only, at rates varying from 10 to 120 meters per second.
▪ Stocks and rates of production vary from one area of the Southern Ocean to another.
▪ Glomerular filtration rate did not vary.
▪ Typically, the Breakers on the ocean has four-and seven-night packages, with rates varying by the season.
▪ The rate varies according to the experience of the person dealing with the work.
▪ In practice, the treatment of widows and deserted wives varied considerably from region to region.
▪ Forms of land tenure varied widely from one region to another in Piedmont.
▪ The weight of taxation varied considerably from region to region.
▪ This put an end to the national house price explosion, although the effect varied significantly between regions.
▪ Rental fees also vary by season and region of the country.
▪ Not only is the extent of deforestation variable but the reasons why it is occurring also vary from region to region.
▪ Estimates of the size of that wave vary.
▪ Like tuition, teacher credentials and class size vary widely at private schools.
▪ The size of this deposit varies by contract, and from time to time depending on trading conditions.
▪ Quantifying damage to reputation is obviously a difficult task, and the size of the awards varies considerably.
▪ The size of the harem varies from species to species.
▪ His jacket size varies between 62 and 64, with a 22-inch shirt collar.
▪ However, when other parameters are varied it may transpire that the optimum window size varies as well.
▪ The size of the plates varied from 9 by 12 inches to 6 by 18 inches.
▪ Phytoliths vary in shape from species to species, making them easy to identify.
▪ The nucleation time of model biles was also markedly affected by varying the added phospholipid species.
▪ The size of the harem varies from species to species.
▪ The extent to which spadefoot tadpoles become cannibalistic varies between the different species and according to ecological circumstance.
▪ All species produce some signs of digestion, but the extent can vary greatly within the species as well as between species.
▪ The number of cell divisions in the early embryo that are controlled by the cytoplasm varies from species to species.
▪ The actual value of delta H varies from species to species.
▪ Liberals might welcome this; yet the effects, as they varied from state to state, were by no means reassuring.
▪ Patients had to rely on varied state rules.
▪ Still more briefly I have attempted to show that instincts vary slightly in a state of Nature.
▪ Whether other teachers or school officials will be considered public officials varies from state to state.
▪ It would be useless to lay down in advance what they are, since they vary with each particular state of affairs.
▪ It varies from state to state.
▪ Its relationship with justice varies considerably from State to State, depending on the degree of coercion necessary.
▪ The definition of exactly which employees are required to have certification can vary from state to state.
▪ Languages vary tremendously in the type of conjunctions they prefer to use as well as the frequency with which they use such items.
▪ The characters also vary in type.
▪ The nature and quantity of protein adsorbed depends upon the fluid in question, and varies according to the type of surface.
▪ Earnings Earnings vary by type and size of the facility, as well as by level of responsibility.
▪ Socio-economic group Mobility can be seen to vary according to people's type of occupation and seniority.
▪ The cost of policies varies according to the type of policy and coverage provided.
▪ The slope will vary according to the type of idea being implemented.
▪ States vary tremendously in the types of taxes employed.
▪ The critical moment for harvest varies from year to year and from one plant to the next.
▪ The precise timing varies from year to year and place to place, but the winter and spring are generally bone dry.
▪ The percentage would also vary throughout the year from about 10% in the summer to about 50% in the winter.
▪ Not only does the rainfall vary from year to year, the amount of water available varies throughout the year.
▪ Antelope such as impala vary as the year changes; browse when there is browse to be had; grass when not.
▪ The allowances were varied over the years to take account of inflation, but were never particularly generous.
▪ Sideshows have varied little over the years.
vary/change etc from sth to sth
▪ Also, because it is a natural product, its textures may vary from one batch to the next.
▪ Like telephone charges, they can be varied from day to day and between evenings and rush hours.
▪ Only Limavady changed from unionist to nationalist hands, and Magherafelt moved from no overall majority to nationalist control.
▪ Since then virtually every small printer, and most large ones, have changed from metal to film.
▪ The change from flute to piccolo or viceversa occupies only a few seconds.
▪ The duties and powers of deans vary from university to university.
▪ The lower limits of normal for serum uric acid are arbitrarily defined and may vary from one lab to another.
▪ The prices vary from circuit to circuit, but as a rule they range from £30 for a session to £300.
▪ "How much milk do you use a day?" "Oh, it varies."
▪ Driving regulations vary from state to state.
▪ Good writers vary the length and structure of their sentences.
▪ Her income varies considerably from one month to the next.
▪ If you're bored with the trip to work, try varying your route.
▪ It hadn't been established where we'd all sleep - the location seemed to vary from night to night.
▪ Methods of treatment vary according to the age and general health of the patient.
▪ One of Dickens' great skills as a writer is the way he varies his style.
▪ Prices of video cameras vary considerably.
▪ Teachers can keep students' interest by varying their classes.
▪ Test scores vary from school to school.
▪ The hotel rooms vary in size, but all have televisions and telephones.
▪ Ticket prices to New York vary, depending on the time of year.
▪ To obtain the nutrients you need, vary the foods you eat.
▪ Vegetables vary in quality according to the season.
▪ Warhol often varied the colors slightly from one print to the next.
▪ Assessments varied as to how much impact sanctions had achieved.
▪ During different attacks there may be varying degrees of severity.
▪ It allows organisms to protect their essential dynamical properties in the face of environmental changes by varying less essential dynamical properties.
▪ Salaries of assistant managers also varied because of differences in duties and responsibilities.
▪ The amount of shearing or elongation which a ductile material will withstand varies enormously between different metals and alloys.
▪ The nature and quantity of protein adsorbed depends upon the fluid in question, and varies according to the type of surface.
▪ The process will vary depending on the individual and the nature of the conflict.