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vb. (en-third-person singular of: vanquish)

Usage examples of "vanquishes".

He vanquishes enemies the dragon ship encounters during its long journey home-blue-uniformed, scimitar-wielding assailants and armored warriors with bows and arrows-and lays waste to the giants with kung fu energy bolts and soaring leaps.

There may be fear, there may be grief, but the true heart vanquishes both.

Conan successfully vanquishes the unconvincing devil from the “Outer Dark,” then promises to send Lydia back to her people without, of course, marrying her.

The cholera generally vanquishes a Neapolitan when it seizes him, because, you understand, before the doctor can dig through the dirt and get at the disease the man dies.

For this is the supreme instant, the turning point in history at which man either vanquishes the processes of change or vanishes, at which, from being the unconscious puppet of evolution he becomes either its victim or its master.