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n. (context business management English) Something that add value; a benefit or enhancement.

Usage examples of "value-add".

I was convinced that I could create a profitable, multibillion dollar, multinational company, one that would be a value-added driveline systems supplier for General Motors and the other world automotive original equipment manufacturers.

Under the Companies Act 1976, and also under the value-added tax system, all such papers had to be kept available for three years and could legally be thrown away only after that, but most accountants returned the books to their clients for keeping, as, like us, they simply didn’.

When consumer goods manufacture did become important, it was mostly as a part of the Landholders' League's drive to capture value-added by following its members' crops "downstream" through processing to final sale.

With room 2 as the number of record I called a value-added network, one of those companies which channels your local call into long-distance modem connections.

As it happened, he was currently resting his eyes, during a particularly dull and protacted debate over value-added tax in the outer worlds.