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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Valonia \Va*lo"ni*a\, n. [It. vallonia, vallonea, fr. NGr. balania`, balanidia`, the holm oak, bala`ni, balani`di, an acorn, Gr. ba`lanos.]

  1. The acorn cup of two kinds of oak ( Quercus macrolepis, and Quercus vallonea) found in Eastern Europe. It contains abundance of tannin, and is much used by tanners and dyers.

  2. [Perhaps named from its resemblance to an acorn.] (Bot.) A genus of marine green alg[ae], in which the whole frond consists of a single oval or cylindrical cell, often an inch in length.


n. 1 The European evergreen oak, (taxlink Quercus macrolepis species noshow=1), now (taxlink Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis subspecies noshow=1), or (taxlink Quercus aegilops species noshow=1). 2 The dried acorn cups of this tree, which are used to make a black dye, used in tanning.

Valonia (alga)

Valonia is a genus of green algae, in the Valoniaceae family. The cells have multiple nuclei and many chloroplasts, each with a pyrenoid. The cells of some species are very large, up to 2 cm in diameter. In some species the colonies maintain a symmetrical shape but in others they do not. Some species have been extensively used for studies of ion-exchange and water potential across biological membranes.


Valonia may refer to:

  • Valonia (alga), an algae genus in the family Valoniaceae
  • Valonia (spider), a spider genus in the family Sparassidae
  • Valonia oak (Quercus macrolepis), a tree species used in tanning