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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ In addition, the Technician and Business Education Councils and a wide range of professional bodies validate courses leading to their awards.
▪ From the early 1970s it was validating courses structured in macro-modules and micro-modules at colleges and polytechnics.
▪ It validated the experience, as the writing of any history brings a persuasion and form to events.
▪ To say that the personal is spiritual validates the sacred experiences of individual women and men.
▪ All the information used in this report has been validated by an independent panel of experts.
▪ This is an interesting hypothesis, but all attempts to validate it have so far failed.
▪ Gonzalez's concerns are seemingly validated by a federal auditor's report released last year.
▪ It validated the experience, as the writing of any history brings a persuasion and form to events.
▪ It is a building block procedure that starts with a foundation of well validated knowledge.
▪ There are two indirect ways of validating these estimates.
▪ To say that the personal is spiritual validates the sacred experiences of individual women and men.
▪ Traditionally, entrepreneurs validated a business model, fine-tuned the technology and landed major customers before turning to partnerships.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Validate \Val"i*date\, v. t. [See Valid.] To confirm; to render valid; to give legal force to.

The chamber of deputies . . . refusing to validate at once the election of an official candidate.
--London Spectator.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1640s, from Medieval Latin validatus, past participle of validare "to make valid," from validus (see valid). Related: Validated; validating.


vb. 1 To render valid. 2 To check or prove the validity of; verify.

  1. v. declare or make legally valid [syn: formalize, formalise] [ant: invalidate]

  2. prove valid; show or confirm the validity of something [ant: invalidate]

  3. give evidence for [syn: corroborate]

  4. make valid or confirm the validity of; "validate a ticket" [ant: invalidate]

Validate (McAfee)

The Validate program by McAfee Associates is used to provide checksum data for computer programs and data files.

It is commonly used to verify that shareware applications written for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows based platforms have not been altered during distribution, (as would be the case if somehow the files had become infected with a computer virus).

Usage examples of "validate".

In organizations where this is not cost-effective, two forms of authentication should be used to validate identity.

Then Mana joined her and stared at the official who quickly validated her passport and dashed his initials across the entry stamp.

The anthropological presentation of non-European others within this evolutionary theory of civilizations served to confirm and validate the eminent position of Europeans and thereby legitimate the colonialist project as a whole.

Boston AA meetings are unusually long, an hour and a half instead of the national hour, but here they also have this formal break at about 45 minutes where everybody can grab a sandwich or Oreo and a sixth cup of coffee and stand around and chat, and bond, where people can pull their sponsors aside and confide some trite insight or emotional snafu that the sponsor can swiftly, privately validate but also place in the larger imperative context of the primary need not to absorb a Substance today, just today, no matter what happens.

Among the many useful techniques which were demonstrated and validated through our case studies, powerful therapeutic relationships were recognized and clarified, replete with transference and countertransference, deep and immediate emotions expressed by the client, and the possibility of long-term engagement even with an ambivalent client.

Congress, of course, can condone the wrong and validate the act, but it were better that the act should be validly done, and that there should be no wrong to condone.

It validated their mulelike tolerance, it gave lyric tongue to their drunken, docile complaining.

It is amazing as an experience, and validated only by experiences in the third attention.

Storm pocketed his validated ticket and crossed over to see the dealer in used ships.

James was referring to one of my roles on _Calypso:_ validating the bacteriologic models of the environmental control and life support system by sampling.

Jack and a totally enthralled team from his department validated the obnoxious bioprospector's claims.

She has our own Senator Clar Eliton to thank for validating that illusion.

Appendix A The process of validating special consensus validating special consensus involved, at every point, the cumulation of don Juan's teachings.

Nothing that Wesley had divulged to me, including the absence of white cotton fibers in Deborah's Jeep, was enough to validate the theory that Fred's and Deborah's homicides were unrelated to the other cases.

Even these days, when most machines could be played with electronically validated value cards, the nickel duchesses wore black gloves to keep their hands from becoming filthy after hours of handling coins and pulling levers.