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valedictory address

n. a farewell oration delivered by the most outstanding member of a graduating class [syn: valediction, valedictory]

Usage examples of "valedictory address".

Vaughn was proud of himself as he sat there and listened to Howard give the valedictory address at high school graduation.

At the lectern stood the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, bringing his valedictory address to a close.

In his Valedictory Address, given to a packed audience in Merton College Hall at the end of his final summer term, Tolkien touched on some of the changes that were taking place in Oxford.

The valedictory address of President Washington, as conveying political lessons of peculiar value.

It was in effect a valedictory address in the heartland urging continued American leadership in the world beyond our borders.

He had graduated first in his law class at Princeton in 1968, delivered the valedictory address and had been running ever since.