Vaddaradhane by Shivakotiacharya is the earliest extant prose work in Kannada. It is a didactic work consisting of nineteen stories and is based on Harisena's Brhatkathakosa. It gives a detailed description of the life of Bhadrabahu of Shravanabelagola. The work is dated to the 9th century but some scholars advance a pre-sixth century date for the work. Based on internal evidence, it is suggested that Shivakotiacharya may have been a native of Kogali, in the Bellary district of modern Karnataka.
The list of 19 stories are ''
- Story of Sukumara swamy
- Story of SukaushaLa swamy
- Gajakumara
- Sanathkumara prince
- Annii kavrutha
- Bhadrabhau bhatarara
- Lalithaghate
- Dharmaghosha
- Siridhinnia bhatarara
- Vrushabha sena bhatarara
- Karthika rishi
- Abhayaghosha rishi
- Vidyuthchoraa rishi
- Gurudatta bhatarara
- Chilata putra
- Dandaka rishi
- Mahendradattacharyaand
- Chanakya rishi
- Vrushabhasena rishi''