Vadaserikara is a village in Pathanamthitta district, in the state of Kerala, India. It is one of the 11 villages in Ranni and sits at the confluence of the Pamba and Kallar Rivers.
The village is located on the main trunk road to Sabarimala–the Pathanamthitta-Pampa Highway and is a stopover for pilgrims on the way to Sabarimala, the abode of Lord Ayyappa, a pilgrim centre that attracts millions of Ayyappa devotees. It lies from Kumplampoika and about from Ranni. The Pathanamthitta- Seethathodu road also pass through Vadasserikkara.
Marthoma Christians form the majority of the population. The village has seen much growth since the 1990s. One of the biggest bridges in the district is at Benglavkadavu.